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Experience to Go


Experience to go

Only those who set out and 'go into all the world' will experience what it means that Jesus goes with them.

On this website you will find information and dates, which are updated frequently. For security reasons, you will not know who is organizing the travel until you register using the contact form.


Travel and safety

We follow the recommendations of the German Foreign Office when travelling abroad. The decision on what can take place and how may be made at short notice.

Foreign Office

We recommend every participant to use the travel app of the Foreign Office of your country, to follow the travel medical recommendations as well as the individual registration in the crisis precaution list of your country before the trip.


Image: Nepali people

Prayer outreach to the
Hindu world


Heartward 1: 15.03.–06.04.2024 (3 weeks)

Travel and prayer: Travel together • gain impressions of the country and its people • teaching, worship and intercession • meet people from unreached people groups • visit religiously and culturally significant places • reflect on the experiences in prayer before God • worship with Nepalis • encourage Christians in their faith and vision for revival • grow spiritually • let your own heart be touched by God's heart for "the roof of the world” ... 

Minimum age: 18 years
Obligatory preparation weekend in Hamburg: 23.–25.02.2024
Application deadline: 15.02.2024

Costs: 3,750€

Image: Meeting At the Beach
Image: man with his camel
Image: Hindu temple in India
Image: visiting Building

Short-term outreach to the
Hindu world


Heartward 2: 27.07.–19.08.2024 (3 weeks)

Travel, help and encourage in a practical way: Be on the road as a team • gain impressions of the country and its people • visit religiously and culturally significant places • teaching about 'life in the spirit' • worship and intercession • get to know different projects • meet local Christians • celebrate worship together • share your faith • let your own heart be touched by God for the need of the country • help out practically, e.g. cleaning.

Minimum age: 18 years
Obligatory preparation weekend in Hamburg: 28.-30.6.24
Application deadline: 20.06.2024
Costs: 3,400€

Image: People in Varnasi

Prayer outreach to the
Hindu world


Heartward 3: 26.10.–19.11.2024 (3.5 weeks)

Travel and Prayer: Travel together • meet local Christians, share the vision, celebrate worship • gain impressions of the country and its people • teaching and practical spiritual training • visit religiously and culturally significant places • meet people from unreached people groups • worship and prayer for unreached people groups, for peoples and regions of the Hindu world • be touched by God for the need of the land - get a heart for the unreached ...

Minimum age: 18 years
Obligatory preparation weekend in Hamburg: 27.–29.09.2024
Application deadline: 19.09.2024
Costs: 3,800€

Image: Beach in India

Study trip to India

with encounters with Christians and prayer (2 weeks)


Travelling and visiting, experiencing and encouraging: Travelling as a group with other Christians - gathering impressions of the country and its people - visiting religiously and culturally significant places - daily devotion and prayer - meeting local Christians - celebrating worship - allowing your own heart to be touched by prayer

Local tour guide | Accommodation in 3-5 star hotels | Catering in upscale restaurants | Transfers with domestic flights and taxis

Minimum age: 18 years
Compulsory preparation weekend in Hamburg 3.–5.1.2025
Cost: 4,500 (double room) | 5,000 (single room) incl. flight in economy class
(can be booked in Business on request with surcharge)

Discipleship Training

Image: Discipleship Training

School for Discipleship
and vocation

9 months that will change your life forever!


Try out practical things in the areas of prayer, church and mission

The programme includes:

  • Discipleship: Teaching and training for a "life in the spirit"
  • House of Prayer: Learn prayer as a lifestyle, grow in worship and intercession
  • Church: Be part of a dynamic church plant, get involved in evangelistic and social projects, be part of the community
  • Mission: Cultural training and vocation seminar; outreaches in Europe and Asia (practical - evangelistic - prayer)

For young adults aged 18 and over
Costs: 600€ per month
plus at least 3000€ for 2 outreaches

Request application documents via the contact form


Image: elephants crossing street in India


The ALL-INCLUSIVE total price includes:

  • the preparation and reflection time
  • the international and connecting flights
  • the stay during the outreach (board | lodging | programme) incl. transfers

The following costs are EXTRA:

Vaccinations (against: Typhoid, HepA, TDP, partly Rabies, Covid), as far as not refunded by your health insurance • foreign travel health insurance • pocket money • typical national clothings (for women in some countries obligatory)

Detailed information will be provided during the preparation period in Germany.

Conditions of participation

Personal relationship with Jesus • binding active membership in a Christian church • willingness to submit to the mission leadership and to refrain from smoking, alcohol, drugs during the mission • adaptation to cultural behavior • compliance with safety-related rules (e.g. no going out alone) and refraining from using social media during the outreach • participation in the obligatory preparation • German and/or English language skills • payment of travel expenses in advance


Registration is done via the application form (please request via the contact form) and the payment of a registration fee, which will not be refunded in case of withdrawal on the part of the participant (but can be credited to other assignments).

We reserve the right to make changes.
There is a minimum and maximum number of participants.